METAL EDGE (USA) has reviewed Dancing SCRAP‘s latest album, “This Is Sexy Sonic Alternative Iron Punk”!

” Review Time and We Are Talking About Dancing Scrap” A Band Out of Rome and I Must Say They Kick Some Ass, By Doing Something Fresh and Inviting They Mix Punk, Alternative, Hard Rock With a Touch of Industrial and It’s Down Right Fun To Listen Too! Now I Can Not Say What They Sound Like Live but If It’s Anything Like Their Album Then It Would Be a Blast To Be At There Show and I Can Only Imagine How They Work Up The Crowd With There Chops. Go See Them For Your Self and I Am Sure You Will Have a Dam Good Time or Pick Up There Album Which Is For Sale Now But Be Sure Not To Mix Them Up With The All Female Band of The Same Name…..Rock On Brothers and Sisters and Keep The Music Alive! METAL EDGE!!!😎

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